Central Leicester Badminton Club Constitution

1          Club name and affiliation

The club will be called Central Leicester Badminton Club and will be affiliated to BADMINTON England.

2          Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the club will be to:

  • play and promote badminton
  • offer badminton coaching and competition opportunities to all junior members
  • provide duty of care and protection to all club members
  • make sure all club members are treated equitably.

3          Finance and Accounts

All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club.
The accounts will be kept by the Treasurer, and audited annually.
The financial year of the club will end on 31st August.
Any cheques drawn against club funds will be signed by one of two authorised signatories (Chairman plus Treasurer).
Should Central Leicester Badminton Club no longer be viable and the accounts need to be wound up then any residual funds, after all creditors have been satisfied, shall be shared equally between the existing fully paid-up members.

4          Running of the Club

The club will be run by a committee consisting of:

  • Chairman
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Match Secretary
  • Child Welfare Officer
  • Social Secretary

At the AGM, the committee will resign but will be eligible for re-election.

5          Membership

Membership shall consist of:

  • adult members
  • junior members.

All members will be subject to the constitution and codes of conduct adopted by the club.
Fees will be set and reviewed annually by the committee and approved at the AGM.

6          A G M

The Annual General Meeting will be held in September. At least twenty-one days’ notice will be given to members.

The Agenda will include:

  • a report from the committee
  • Treasurer’s report and the year’s Accounts
  • resignation of the current committee
  • election of the management committee for the coming year
  • election of the team selection committee for the coming year.

All members have the right to vote at the AGM.

Members have the right to call for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).  It shall be held at the request of at least 25% of members. Notice for an EGM will be the same as for an AGM.

Quorum for the Annual general Meeting will be two more than the number of committee members.

7          Constitution Changes

This Constitution can be changed only by majority vote at an AGM.



1          League and Friendly Matches

Members taking part in league and friendly matches shall pay a match fee for home and away matches at an amount as shall be agreed from time to time by the Management Committee.

2          Guests and Attendance of Members

Club members shall be entitled to bring potential members in but members must obtain the permission of the Secretary.  A potential member shall pay a visitors fee at such amount as shall from time to time be fixed by the Management Committee.

3          Club Evenings

After gaining access to the court club members are asked to enter into their game as soon as possible in order to enable the maximum number of games to be played during each club session.

4          Membership of the Leagues

The Chairperson and General Secretary shall be the Club’s official representatives at general meetings of Leagues and shall have the power to vote on all matters affecting the Club’s interest.   If unable to attend or act in these capacities the Management Committee shall have the power to appoint another member of the committee to officially represent the Club at such meetings.

5          Club Entries in Leagues

The Management Committee shall make a decision as soon as possible following the Annual General Meeting as to the type and number of entries to be submitted for entry into any League for the following season.

6          Waiting List

If necessary the Honorary General Secretary shall maintain a “waiting list” and have authority to invite potential new members to four club sessions respectively.  After four attendances the Management Committee shall decide whether or not to accept the application for membership.

7          Club Tournaments

Club tournaments shall be arranged from time to time with the object of affording the opportunity to all members to compete. The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with the arrangements for the holding of such tournaments in whatever manner they think fit and shall also have power to co-opt members, if necessary, solely for the purpose of organising such tournaments. The main trophies shall remain the property of Central Leicester Badminton Club at all times.

8          Match Selection (Friendly and League)

The Team Selection Committee shall be responsible for selecting and where appropriate nominating teams, whose decision must be regarded as final in respect of the first matches played. Thereafter, the Captain of a team, also to be nominated by the Team Selection Committee, may propose changes to their team.

9 Time for leaving Premises        

  • All showers must commence by no later than 9.45pm
  • Play must stop by say 9.55pm
  • Club members are responsible for making their guests aware of our conditions

Club members should keep to the times above. Although members are required to exit the entire premises by 10.15pm the committee asked that they leave a little earlier so as to avoid any possibility of a dispute with the premises officers.


Rules of Badminton

Here's a quick 10 step guide to the new scoring system:  Rally Point Scoring

For a simple guide to serving in doubles: Rally Point Scoring Doubles Guide